Influence of Minimally Invasive Implant-Retained Overdenture On Patients’ Quality Of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Oct;24(10):1173-7. (ISI)
J Jofré, X Castiglioni, C Asenjo-Lobos.
The aim of this prospective, randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of a minimally invasive implant procedure for denture stabilization on patients’ quality of life (QoL).
Thirty totally edentulous patients were selected for this study. All prostheses were adjusted and relined before randomization and allocation to treatment either with two small diameter implants (SDI) – retained overdenture (study group) or non-intervention group (control group). Quality of life was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile-EDENT (OHIP-EDENT) questionnaire before intervention and at one-year follow-up. Between-group comparisons were carried out using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test.
Magnitude of change in the OHIP-EDENT total score at one-year follow-up was 25.4 ± 10.7 for the study group, revealing a statistically significant difference with the control group, that showed a change of 9.5 ± 8.3 (P = < 0.001).
After one-year follow-up, patients wearing mandibular overdentures with two minimally invasive splinted SDI, experienced more improvements in perceived oral health-related quality of life, than patients having conventional treatment.